About Me

Hi, I’m Carissa! I’m a beauty product junkie making a gradual shift to more natural products.  Join me as I search for the best makeup, skincare, and hair products out there.  I’ll share my thoughts, reviews, and tips on all things green beauty.  Come on, it will be fun…and good for you!

How it all began…

Life is always full of surprises. You never know who you are going to meet that will change your life forever. 

My journey to clean living started with food. 

I spent years living as an “unhealthy” vegetarian – think grilled cheese and pizza on the reg.  I just ate whatever tasted delicious, with little thought about how it affected my body on the inside.

You never know when you are going to cross paths with someone who could change your life forever.  It happened to me late one night on vacation when I was partying my way down the Las Vegas strip…

My group grabbed a cab and I jumped in the front seat. Since I was a few cocktails deep at that point, I was feeling pretty chatty.  During a ride that couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes long, the cab driver shared his story of how becoming a raw vegan saved his life.  I was not in any state to make any opinions at that point, but I was intrigued enough to write myself a note to look into it later. 

I found that note on the drive home the next day and I spent the entire drive reading his e-book.  I was fascinated.  

From that point on, I couldn’t stop reading books about the effects of food in our body. Even after I completely changed the way I approached food, I continued my research. 

Naturally, that research led me to information about how the things we put ON our body are just as important.

It’s possible for your skin to absorb 60% of what we put on our body.

This is honestly something I never thought about before.  I was a total makeup and skincare junkie, with TONS and TONS of products.  So, I dug deeper…

I was shocked at what I found.  There were SO many dangerous, toxic chemicals in the products I was using every single day.  Things I used on my skin, on my face, on my body…it was disgusting. 

So, I decided to change the way I approached beauty as well. It was time to ditch the chemicals, and make my way to clean living all around…    

…or, as much as possible at least.  I knew this wouldn’t happen overnight since it was basically every product in my cabinet.  It would be too expensive and wasteful to just throw everything away and start from scratch.

SO, my next best option was to start with one thing at a time.  Start trying new products here and there…and keep going until I find something I love just as much (or even more) than my current products. 

This is where my journey to “Becoming Au Naturale” begins…

There will be a lot of trial and error here, but I’m willing to put in the work.  All you have to do to is tune in to my blog!  You can read about my journey, thoughts, and reviews on all these new CLEAN products.  I’ll also share some fun beauty tips I’ve learned along the way (think Face Mask Friday, Self Care Sunday, Motivation Monday). 

So come on, it will be FUN…and GOOD for you!